samedi 22 février 2020

De Vultu Mirabilium (1959)

A short film whose was the first appearance by Adlerstern M. Zestanarchy with only twelve seconds.

jeudi 26 avril 2018

El Camino sin Arte (1981)

La Trilogie d'Artificialis Aliena is a short film released on February 25, 1981. However, it was made between 1969 and 1980, telling three different fictional stories attached to the different thoughts of existentialist philosophy. These three stories are called:

Le Musicien Éternel (1969): This puts into practice the central idea of ​​Nietzsche, who believes that the consolation of one neighbor to another is through knowledge and not from the divine

La Genèse de la Psychédélie (1973): In it and under a significant context to the imagination, it refers to the idea of ​​the absurd thought of Camus, as well as the human psyche that Dostoyevski raises in his writings

Une Utopie Différente (1980): This last one that closes the trilogy is the most explanatory because through images of humanity, Kierkegaard's central idea can be appreciated, who points out that the human being is free to choose his own destiny and with it 

vendredi 2 mars 2018

Imaginaerum (1977)

Imaginaerum is a song that Adlerstern M. Zestanarchy wrote and sang, releasing it on September 21 with great success in France and the rest of the world, being one of the first where the free use of all kinds of electronic synthesizers and other analog instruments was applied apart from being interpreted into Latin. It was produced by his entourage of friends known as "Cirque du Lune Claire".
The lyrics make an apology for his adventures, revealing the idea of ​​sharing his knowledge with humanity. It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of the video clip there is a poem in English that complements the ideals of our great master.

mercredi 31 janvier 2018


Rockabilly 1974 is a 1000-page book of poetry, which was made by Adlerstern M. Zestanarchy on December 20, 1974. It is worth mentioning that his verses were written with the alphabetic letters of his native planet in the form of calligrams with ideals of classic creationism and finally with the original letters in Latin vocabulary, giving the reader to translate the verses in that language to later translate it into the language of their homeland with a dictionary.

samedi 16 décembre 2017

Artificialis Aliena

"Saevior Nulla Ipsa Dat Locum Desideratum Iter Strati"

Adlerstern Myrikakis Zestanarchy (referred to as Artificialis Aliena & Solitarius Aquila) is a legendary polymath of time in yesteryear with his androgynous aesthetics and his genre style known as Art rock; He made a short film named "De Vultu Mirabilium" (1959) and another mames "The Shy Pain Dreams" in 1965, then with "L'antimusique" (1968) and "L'Odyssée de l'étranger" (1969); However he has written two musical vinyls: "Aqua" (1971) and "Imaginaerum" (1977), and besides, he has composed the instrumental songs: "Le Blues Électrique" (1971), "Apocalypsis In Symphoniae" (1973) and "Solitarius Aquila" (1983), but previously premiered his lyric book entitled "Rockabilly MCMLXXIV" was published in late 1974, and his last and unforgettable film named "Artificialis Aliena's Trilogy" (1981).  

He was born on February 25, in 1445; He is a biomechanical alien, and originally from the planet Aetósnia. Even he lives in a galactic house, through a beautiful french island named Yellow Cliff, and sometimes he helped his friends, a group of variety artists called "Cirque du Lune Claire" or how too the british Hard Rock known as The Farkies. In 1983 he left our planet to share his knowledge, while traveling to another universes and never missed by his most faithful followers.